Andrews Creek Primary School

Bus timetables

Route From To Bus Display Time Map
9 Andrews Creek Primary School 7:46am Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd to Andrews Creek Primary School Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd Andrews Creek Primary School
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00413 Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd 7:46
00414 151 Appleby Road 7:51
01725 Frankford Rd and Squeaking Point Rd 7:56
00415 5112 Frankford Road, Squeaking Point 7:58
00416 4873 Frankford Road 8:01
00417 Cnr Woodbury Road and Ibbotts Road 8:04
00418 Cnr Mildam Road and Jefkins Drive 8:08
00419 7 Jefkins Drive, Squeaking Point 8:09
00420 Cnr Jefkins Drive and Jasmine Road 8:11
00421 Charles Street and MilldamRoad 8:14
00422 Cnr Parkers Ford Rd and Manouka Drv 8:16
S-PF31 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Gardam Road 8:17
00423 Cnr Parkers Ford Rd & Bush Haven Drv 8:18
S-PF32 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and St Louis Drive 8:20
00424 Cnr Parkers Ford Road & Sunhaven Drv 8:21
S-PF33 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Arnold Drive 8:23
00379 Alexander St Visitor Centre, Port Sorell 8:24
00377 Cnr Wilmot and Short Streets 8:27
RC14 Rice Street (Aqua Shop) 8:30
00426 Andrews Creek Primary School 8:45
9 Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd 3:00pm Andrews Creek Primary School to Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd Andrews Creek Primary School Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00426 Andrews Creek Primary School 3:00
00376 Alexander St Visitor Centre, Port Sorell 3:15
00377 Cnr Wilmot and Short Streets 3:18
RC14 Rice Street (Aqua Shop) 3:21
S-PF17 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Arnold Drive 3:25
00427 Cnr Parkers Ford Road & Sunhaven Drv 3:27
S-PF18 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and St Louis Drive 3:29
00428 Cnr Parkers Ford Rd & Bush Haven Drv 3:31
S-PF19 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Gardam Road 3:33
00429 Cnr Parkers Ford Rd & Manouka Drv 3:35
00418 Cnr Mildam Road and Jefkins Drive 3:39
00419 7 Jefkins Drive, Squeaking Point 3:40
00420 Cnr Jefkins Drive and Jasmine Road 3:42
00421 Charles Street and MilldamRoad 3:47
00430 Cnr Woodbury Road and Ibbotts Road 3:52
00431 4873 Frankford Road 3:56
00432 5112 Frankford Road, Squeaking Point 3:58
01726 Frankford Rd and Squeaking Point Rd 4:00
00433 151 Appleby Road 4:09
00434 Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Appleby Rd 4:14

Transfer Routes

Morning Transfer
Afternoon Transfer


Transfer Routes


Morning Transfer


Onto Bus Route

Transfer Location

8:24 am


Alexander St Visitor Information Bay

Afternoon Transfer


From Bus Route

Transfer Location

3:15 pm


Alexander St Visitor Information Bay