Devonport High School

Bus timetables

Route From To Bus Display Time Map
53 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:29am Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00588 Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre 7:29
00589 Elizabeth Town 7:40
00590 'Big Spud' Bass Highway, Sassafras 7:57
PL25 Percival Street (Latrobe High School) 8:03
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:15
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:18
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:28
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 8:31
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:42
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:48
59 Reece High School 7:15am Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads to Reece High School Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads Reece High School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00625 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads 7:15
00626 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Kop Roads 7:18
00627 462 Cradle Mountain Road 7:20
00628 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Masons Roads 7:22
00629 209 Cradle Mountain Road 7:24
00630 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Strathbogie Roads 7:25
00631 89 Cradle Mountain Road 7:26
00632 Cnr Wilmot and Lake Barrington Roads 7:27
00633 Wilmot Hall Wilmot Road 7:28
00634 2447 Wilmot Road 7:35
00635 Cnr Wilmot and Bakers Road 7:40
00636 1929 Wilmot Road 7:45
00637 Cnr of Jamiesons Rd and Wilmot Rd 7:55
00638 1145 Wilmot Road 7:56
00639 369 Wilmot Road 8:04
00640 Cnr Wilmot Road and Forth Road 8:10
00395 Forth Recreation Ground Interchange 8:11
00641 Don River Railway 8:20
WL303 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:25
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:30
64 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:35am Slaters Store, Sheffield to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Slaters Store, Sheffield Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00685 Slaters Store, Sheffield 7:35
00686 Cnr Sheffield and Hendersons Roads 7:43
00687 1338 Sheffield Road 7:44
00688 Cnr Sheffield and Allisons Roads 7:45
00689 Lower Barrington Old Shop 7:47
00690 Cnr Sheffield and Reeves Roads 7:48
00598 Squibbs Apple Shed Interchange 8:04
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:10
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:15
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:18
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 8:22
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:26
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:30
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:32
90 Don College 7:40am South Road, Ulverstone Mt St. Vincent to Don College South Road, Ulverstone Mt St. Vincent Don College Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00765 South Road, Ulverstone Mt St. Vincent 7:40
00669 Hearps Road & South Road, West Ulverstone 7:42
00671 Cnr Upper Maud and Amy Streets 7:43
00769 Queen Street 7:46
00770 Hobbs Pde, Ulverstone 7:50
00771 3/23 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone 7:53
00772 69 Eastland Drive, Ulverstone 7:54
00773 Eastlands Drive (Supermarket) 7:56
00774 William Street (Reece High School) 8:10
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:15
WL04 187 William Street 8:17
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:20
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 8:30
27 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:27am Cnr Poyston Drive & Haven Drive to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Cnr Poyston Drive & Haven Drive Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00451 Cnr Poyston Drive & Haven Drive 7:27
00381 Shearwater Boulevard (Country Club) 7:33
00447 Cnr Joyce and Vine Streets 7:38
00491 Cnr Alexander & Arthur Streets 7:42
00453 Cnr Hawk Hill Rd and Alexander St 7:43
PS16 2 Port Sorell Road (Shelter) 7:48
00388 Cnr Port Sorell Road and Summer Hill Dr 7:51
00492 Wesley Vale Rd before Frankford Highway 8:00
00493 Serve AG, Frankford Road 8:06
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:15
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:20
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:25
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 8:28
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:30
00494 Devonport Christian School 8:35
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:42
40 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:30am Cnr Rice and Wilmott Streets to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Cnr Rice and Wilmott Streets Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00498 Cnr Rice and Wilmott Streets 7:30
00543 Cnr Pitcairn and Kermode Streets 7:32
00378 Cnr Wilmot and Short Streets 7:34
00386 Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Gumbowie Dr 7:37
00388 Cnr Port Sorell Road and Summer Hill Dr 7:40
S-MR22 Cnr Moriarty and Westcombes Roads 7:50
00544 Cnr Moriarty Road and Fairlie Street 7:57
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:05
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:09
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:14
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 8:16
00545 7 Lapthorne Close - Interchange Stop 8:20
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:27
57 Reece High School 7:40am Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads to Reece High School Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads Reece High School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00595 Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads 7:40
00596 Cnr Melrose and Sheffield Roads 7:47
00597 Cnr Sheffield and James Roads 7:49
00598 Squibbs Apple Shed Interchange 7:53
00494 Devonport Christian School 8:05
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 8:11
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:16
00599 Devonport High School 8:20
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:35
24 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:25am Lovett Street (Fire Station) to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Lovett Street (Fire Station) Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00740 Lovett Street (Fire Station) 7:25
00444 48 Alexandra Road 7:30
ED33 Cnr Eastlands Drive and Heathcote Street 7:32
FO38 61 Forth Road 7:40
SU13 47 Susan Street 7:45
TE15 40 Esplanade, Turners Beach 7:49
00445 14 Clerke Street 7:54
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:05
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:08
WL04 187 William Street 8:10
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:13
00362 Watkinson Street (Opp Don College) 8:17
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:20
LD555 Lawrence Drive (Hillcrest Primary School) 8:25
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:31
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:42
120 Devonport Primary School 7:18am 9025 Bass Hwy (Anvers Confectionery) to Devonport Primary School 9025 Bass Hwy (Anvers Confectionery) Devonport Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
BH01 9025 Bass Highway (Anvers Confectionery) 7:18
00711 Bass Highway - Opp Mersey Hospital 7:20
00854 Cnr Bass Highway and Oppenheims Road 7:25
00855 Cnr Chapel and Valley Field Roads 7:32
00856 Cnr Chapel Road & Frankford Road 7:37
00857 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Charles Street 7:43
00420 Cnr Jefkins Drive and Jasmine Road 7:46
00859 Cnr Mill Dam Road and Jefkins Drive 7:48
S-PF31 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Gardams Road 7:51
00858 Port Sorell & Alexander Street roundabout 7:58
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:14
VL18 TasTafe Devonport Campus 8:18
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 8:25
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:29
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:32
00599 Devonport High School 8:36
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:41
70 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7:36am North Motton Hall Preston Road to Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School North Motton Hall Preston Road Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00737 North Motton Hall Preston Road 7:36
00738 Cnr Preston and Mannings Jetty Roads 7:39
00739 Corner Gawler Road and Elizabeth Street 7:44
00740 Lovett Street (Fire Station) 7:50
00444 48 Alexandra Road 7:54
00741 Cnr Eastland Drive and Leighlands Avenue 7:58
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:16
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:19
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:24
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 8:27
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:30
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:35
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:37
62 Spreyton Primary School 7:25am Forth Road - Don Railway to Spreyton Primary School Forth Road - Don Railway Spreyton Primary School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00673 Forth Road, Don Railway 7:25
00674 Cnr Braddons Lookout Road and WIlliam St 7:33
00393 Leith Road Bass Highway Junction 7:35
TG04 Cnr Tugrah Road and Washington Drive 7:45
00675 End of Tugrah Road (turn around) 7:50
BG444 Berrigan Road (Miandetta Primary School) 8:10
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 8:13
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 8:18
BS03 97 Best Street 8:19
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 8:22
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 8:25
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 8:28
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 8:35
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:36
MM09 Mersey Main Road (Spreyton Primary School) 8:42
59 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads 3:20pm Reece High School to Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads Reece High School Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:20
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:25
00642 Don River Railway 3:30
00395 Forth Recreation Ground Interchange 3:50
00643 369 Wilmot Road 3:55
00644 1145 Wilmot Road 4:02
00645 Cnr of Jamiesons Rd and Wilmot Rd 4:03
00646 1929 Wilmot Road 4:13
00647 Cnr Wilmot and Bakers Road 4:18
00648 2447 Wilmot Road 4:23
00649 Wilmot Hall, Wilmot Road 4:28
00650 Cnr Wilmot and Lake Barrington Roads 4:30
00651 89 Cradle Mountain Road 4:32
00652 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Strathbogie Roads 4:33
00653 209 Cradle Mountain Road 4:35
00654 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Masons Roads 4:37
00655 462 Cradle Mountain Road 4:39
00656 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Kop Roads 4:42
00657 Cnr Cradle Mountain and Jubbs Roads 4:45
64 Sheffield School 3:10pm Reece High School to Sheffield School Reece High School Sheffield School Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:10
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 3:14
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:16
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:20
NX14 Nixon Street Primary School 3:25
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:30
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 3:35
00512 Spreyton Primary Interchange 3:55
00691 Cnr Sheffield and Reeves Roads 4:10
00692 Lower Barrington Old Shop 4:12
00693 Cnr Sheffield and Allisons Roads 4:13
00694 Corner Sheffield and Moreys Roads 4:14
00695 Cnr Sheffield and Hendersons Roads 4:15
00696 Sheffield School 4:26
90 Cnr Queen and Maud Streets 3:08pm Reece High School to Cnr Queen and Maud Streets Reece High School Cnr Queen and Maud Streets Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:08
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:13
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:18
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 3:28
00777 Eastlands Drive (Supermarket) 3:48
00665 Sports Ground Shelter Shed, opp Vertigan Pl 3:49
00778 48 Main Street Ulverstone (museum) 3:51
2753 Ulverstone Interchange, Wongi La, Stop A 3:53
00779 Hobbs Pde, Ulverstone 3:56
00781 Alice Street 3:58
00782 Clara Street 4:00
00765 South Road, Ulverstone Mt St. Vincent 4:01
00669 Hearps Road & South Road, West Ulverstone 4:04
00784 Cnr Upper Maud Street & Westfield Court 4:06
00671 Cnr Upper Maud and Amy Streets 4:07
4224 Undara Crescent 4:09
00786 Penguin Road 4:10
2611 Cnr Queen and Maud Streets 4:13
27 Cnr Alexander Street & Freer Street 3:00pm Devonport Christian School to Cnr Alexander Street & Freer Street Devonport Christian School Cnr Alexander Street & Freer Street Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00494 Devonport Christian School 3:00
NX14 Nixon Street Primary School 3:05
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:10
WL303 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:18
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:21
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:25
00495 Wesley Vale Rd near Darbys Rd 3:36
803 Port Sorell Road (Corner of Summer Hill) 3:45
00496 Port Sorell Road - Bus Shelter 3:49
00381 Shearwater Boulevard (Country Club) 3:52
00447 Cnr Joyce and Vine Streets 3:59
00497 Cnr Alexander Street & Freer Street 4:05
40 Cnr Alexander Street and Poyston Drive 3:13pm Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School to Cnr Alexander Street and Poyston Drive Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Cnr Alexander Street and Poyston Drive Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:13
00546 Mathews Way - Interchange Stop 3:20
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:25
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 3:28
WL303 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:35
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:37
S-MR26 Cnr Vincent Crescent and Moriarty Road 3:45
S-MR28 Cnr Moriarty and Wescombes Roads 3:48
803 Port Sorell Road (Corner of Summer Hill) 3:52
00369 Cnr Port Sorell Rd and Gumbowie Dr 3:54
00377 Cnr Wilmot and Short Streets 3:55
00547 25 Pitcain Street 3:57
00381 Shearwater Boulevard (Country Club) 4:00
00452 Cnr Shearwater Boulevard & Dumbleton St 4:05
00548 Cnr Alexander Street and Poyston Drive 4:20
57 Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads 3:00pm Reece High School to Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads Reece High School Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:00
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:05
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:21
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 3:30
00494 Devonport Christian School 3:35
SR09 110 Stony Rise Road 3:36
00512 Spreyton Primary Interchange 3:50
00600 Fire Station, Mersey Main Road 3:54
00601 Cnr Tarleton Road and Seymour Street 3:57
00602 Cnr Melrose and Sheffield Roads 4:13
00603 Cnr Melrose and Buster Roads 4:19
24 Clerke Street: Shelter 3:00pm Hillcrest Primary School to Clerke Street: Shelter Hillcrest Primary School Clerke Street: Shelter Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
LD555 Lawrence Drive (Hillcrest Primary School) 3:00
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:05
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 3:10
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:12
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:15
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:20
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 3:23
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 3:26
00454 Lillico Road Slip Lane with Bass Highway 3:37
00740 Lovett Street (Fire Station) 3:46
00444 48 Alexandra Road 3:49
SU13 47 Susan Street 3:56
TE14 78 Esplanade 3:58
CL53 Clerke Street (Shelter) 4:01
120 9025 Bass Hwy (Anvers Confectionery) 3:10pm Devonport Primary School to 9025 Bass Hwy (Anvers Confectionery) Devonport Primary School 9025 Bass Hwy (Anvers Confectionery) Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 3:10
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:12
BS333 Best Street (Devonport High School) 3:16
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:20
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 3:22
WT777 Watkinson Street (Don College) 3:26
VL446 TasTafe Devonport Campus 3:30
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 3:34
00860 Port Sorell & Alexander Street roundabout 3:48
S-PF19 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Gardams Road 3:50
00861 Cnr Parkers Ford Road and Charles Street 3:55
00418 Cnr Mildam Road and Jefkins Drive 3:59
00420 Cnr Jefkins Drive and Jasmine Road 4:05
00862 Cnr Chapel Road & Frankford Road 4:11
00714 Cnr Chapel and Valley Field Roads 4:15
00863 Cnr Bass Highway and Oppenheims Road 4:19
00864 Bass Highway - Mersey Hospital 4:23
BH24 9025 Bass Highway (Anvers Confectionery) 4:25
70 North Motton Hall Preston Road 2:55pm Reece High School to North Motton Hall Preston Road Reece High School North Motton Hall Preston Road Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 2:55
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 3:00
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:02
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:05
NX14 Nixon Street Primary School 3:08
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:15
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 3:25
00742 Cnr Eastland Drive and Leighlands Avenue 3:50
00743 48 Alexandra Road 3:55
00744 Lovett Street (Fire Station) 3:57
00745 Cnr Gawler Road and Hamilton Street 4:00
00746 Cnr Preston and Mannings Jetty Roads 4:05
00747 North Motton Hall Preston Road 4:12
62 Leith Road Bass Highway Junction 2:35pm Spreyton Primary School to Leith Road Bass Highway Junction Spreyton Primary School Leith Road Bass Highway Junction Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
MM41 Spreyton Primary School 2:35
BG444 Berrigan Road (Miandetta Primary School) 2:50
MI332 Middle Road (Reece High School) 2:55
STU111 Stewart Street (Devonport Primary School) 3:00
STU222 Stewart Street (Our Lady of Lourdes) 3:05
WL333 William Street (Devonport High School) 3:10
JM888 James Street (St Brendan Shaw College) 3:17
00591 Don College (School Grounds) 3:25
NX666 Nixon Street Primary School 3:28
00675 End of Tugrah Road (turn around) 3:40
00673 Forth Road, Don Railway 3:49
00674 Cnr Braddons Lookout Road and WIlliam St 3:55
00393 Leith Road Bass Highway Junction 4:00

Transfer Routes

Morning Transfer
Afternoon Transfer


Transfer Routes




Morning Transfer


Onto Bus Route

Transfer Location

8:02 am

8:03 am

8:03 am




Squibbs Apple Shed

Squibbs Apple Shed

Forth Recreation Grounds

Afternoon Transfer


From Bus Route

Transfer Location

3:50 pm

3:50 pm



Back of Spreyton Primary

Forth Recreation