Hellyer College

Bus timetables

Route From To Bus Display Time Map
2807-1 Mountain Heights School 7:45am Zeehan Post Office to Mountain Heights School Zeehan Post Office Mountain Heights School
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01485 Main St app Frederick St 7:45
Z01486 Mountain Heights School 8:30
2522-1 Burnie High School 7:50am West Ridgley Rd South Prospect Rd to Burnie High School West Ridgley Rd South Prospect Rd Burnie High School
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01354 West Ridgley Rd app South Prospect Rd 7:50
Z01550 Serpentine Rd at 126 7:52
Z01551 Serpentine Rd at 180 7:53
Z01356 Oonah Rd app Ridgley Hwy 8:00
Z01552 Ridgley Hwy app Highclere Rd 8:05
Z01497 Ridgley Hwy app Melba Laine 8:06
Z01553 Ridgley Hwy at 1314 8:07
Z01554 Ridgley Hwy at 1226 8:09
Z01345 Ridgley Primary School 8:15
Z01501 Ridgley Hwy at 731 8:16
Z01502 Ridgley Hwy at Mooreville Rd 8:17
Z01555 Ridgley Hwy app Emu Vale Rd 8:19
Z01556 Ridgley Hwy app Cascade Rd 8:21
Z01534 Ridgley Hwy app Mount St 8:22
Z01557 Mount St app Singline Av 8:24
Z01559 Mount St app Three Mile Line Rd 8:25
Z01272 Parklands High School 8:26
Z01558 Mooreville Rd opp Hellyer College 8:30
Z01287 Burnie High School 8:36
2519-1 Marist Regional College 7:20am Main St app Hall St to Marist Regional College Main St app Hall St Marist Regional College
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01511 Main St app Hall St 7:20
Z01565 Ritchie St after Collins St 7:21
Z01516 Smith St app William St 7:25
Z01567 Waratah Rd app Cemetery Rd 7:27
Z01568 Waratah Rd app Murchison Hwy 7:35
Z01571 Ridgley Hwy at 1957 7:58
Z01572 Ridgley Hwy app Youralla Rd 8:00
Z01272 Parklands High School 8:13
Z01574 Atkins Dr app Cedar Pl 8:14
Z01284 Hellyer College 8:20
Z01578 Marist Regional College 8:30
2518-1 Hellyer College 7:45am Takone Rd app West Calder Rd to Hellyer College Takone Rd app West Calder Rd Hellyer College
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01427 Takone Rd app West Calder Rd 7:45
Z01429 328 Takone Rd 7:50
Z01435 Takone Rd app Murchison Hwy 7:51
Z01405 Murchison Hwy after Brackendale Rd 7:54
Z01600 Murchison Hwy app School Lane 7:57
Z01603 Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd 8:00
Z01604 Murchison Hwy app South Elliott Rd 8:04
Z01387 Murchison Hwy app Buggs Lane 8:08
Z01386 919 Murchison Hwy 8:09
Z01385 Murchison Hwy after Petersons Lane 8:10
Z01384 Murchison Hwy app Deaytons Lane 8:11
Z01381 Murchison Hwy app Haywoods Lane 8:15
Z01605 Murchison Hwy app Willis St 8:16
Z01380 Murchison Hwy after Wills St 8:17
Z01287 Burnie High School 8:24
Z01284 Hellyer College 8:30
2516-1 Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College 7:52am Ridley Hwy at 1314 to Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College Ridley Hwy at 1314 Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01553 Ridley Hwy at 1314 7:52
Z01498 Ridley Hwy after King St 7:55
Z01345 Ridley Primary School 7:56
Z01501 Ridley Hwy at 731 7:59
Z01502 Ridley Hwy at Mooreville Rd 8:00
Z01569 560 Ridley Hwy 8:01
Z01555 Ridley Hwy app Emu Vale Rd 8:02
Z01570 434 Ridley Hwy 8:05
Z01573 Cascade Rd near Melba Line 8:10
Z01575 Cascade Rd app Illoura Rd 8:12
Z01576 Illoura Rd app Cascade Rd 8:13
Z01577 Ridley Hwy after Cascade Rd 8:16
Z01557 Mount St app Singline Av 8:20
Z01579 Mount St Romaine Park Primary School 8:25
Z01578 Marist Regional College 8:35
Z01580 Futuna Av Stella Maris Catholic School 8:36
Z01581 Burnie Primary School 8:43
Z01560 Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College 8:46
2503-2 Hellyer College 8:02am Wynyard High School to Hellyer College Wynyard High School Hellyer College
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01279 Wynyard High School 8:02
Z01285 Old Bass Hwy after Bowick St 8:08
Z01286 Bass Hwy after Murchison Hwy 8:18
Z01287 Burnie High School 8:24
Z01284 Hellyer College 8:35
2503-1 Wynyard High School 7:37am Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr to Wynyard High School Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr Wynyard High School
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01278 Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr 7:37
Z01280 Mt Hicks Rd app Coates Rd 7:45
Z01281 Mt Hicks Rd app Seabrook Rd 7:47
Z01282 Mt Hicks Rd app Bourkes Rd 7:52
Z01283 Mt Hicks Rd after Terra Nova Dr 7:54
Z01291 St Brigids School 7:55
Z01279 Wynyard High School 8:00
MARI Marist Regional College 7:00am Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton to Marist Regional College Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton Marist Regional College Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00209 Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton 7:00
00211 Bass Highway & Brooks Road, Forest TAS 7:10
00212 Bass Highway & Fords Road, Smithton TAS 7:20
00213 Stanley Highway, Stanley Tasmania 7:25
00214 Back Line Rd, Forest TAS 7:28
00215 Black River TAS 7:30
00216 Mawbanna TAS 7:31
00217 Port Latta TAS 7:35
00218 Crayfish Creek 7:37
00219 Hellyer Bus Shelter Bass Highway 7:40
00221 Detention River, Tasmania 7:41
00223 Bass Hwy and Rocky Cape Rd, Rocky Cape 7:45
00225 Montumana Road & Bass Highway, Rocky Cape TAS 7:50
00227 Sisters Creek TAS 7:55
00229 Bass Hwy and Dobsons Ln, Boat Harbour 8:00
00331 Table Cape, TAS 8:03
00333 Flowerdale, TAS 8:05
00231 Corner Bass Highway and Oldina Roads 8:10
00234 Bass Highway Camdale Lights 8:20
00210 Marist Regional College 8:25
2807-2 Zeehan Post Office 2:45pm Mountain Heights School to Zeehan Post Office Mountain Heights School Zeehan Post Office
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01486 Mountain Heights School 2:45
Z01487 Main St app Frederick St 3:30
2522-2 West Ridley Rd South Prospect Rd 2:55pm Burnie High School to West Ridley Rd South Prospect Rd Burnie High School West Ridley Rd South Prospect Rd
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01287 Burnie High School 2:55
Z01560 Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College 3:10
Z01272 Parklands High School 3:18
Z01526 Ridley Hwy Ridley Primary School 3:35
Z01561 Ridley Hwy app Wilson St 3:36
Z01528 Ridley Hwy app West Ridgley Rd 3:37
Z01562 Ridley Hwy at 1314 3:39
Z01529 1334 Ridley Hwy 3:41
Z01344 Ridley Hwy after Highclere Rd 3:42
Z01371 Oonah Rd after Ridley Hwy 3:45
Z01563 Serpentine Rd at 180 3:52
Z01564 Serpentine Rd at 126 3:53
Z01350 West Ridley Rd South Prospect Rd 3:55
2519-2 English St at William St 3:05pm Marist Regional College to English St at William St Marist Regional College English St at William St
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01578 Marist Regional College 3:05
Z01284 Hellyer College 3:09
Z01272 Parklands High School 3:15
Z01583 Ridgley Hwy after Youralla Rd 3:33
Z01584 Ridgley Hwy at 1957 3:35
Z01589 Waratah Rd after Murchison Hwy 3:55
Z01590 Waratah Rd after Cemetery Rd 4:00
Z01511 Main St app Hall St 4:08
Z01565 Ritchie St after Collins St 4:09
Z01592 English St app Crosby St 4:10
Z01593 English St app William St 4:12
2518-2 Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd 3:05pm Hellyer College to Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd Hellyer College Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01284 Hellyer College 3:05
Z01287 Burnie High School 3:15
Z01607 Murchison Hwy app Simpson St 3:24
Z01363 Murchison Hwy app Old Cam Rd 3:25
Z01364 Murchison Hwy app Wills St 3:26
Z01365 Murchison Hwy app Haywoods Lane 3:27
Z01609 Murchison Hwy at 395 3:28
Z01613 Murchison Hwy at 397 3:29
Z01614 Murchison Hwy at 414 3:30
Z01366 Murchison Hwy app Village Lane 3:31
Z01616 Murchison Hwy at Nunns Rd 3:34
Z01618 Murchison Hwy app Deaytons Lane 3:36
Z01368 Murchison Hwy after Deaytons Lane 3:37
Z01620 Murchison Hwy at Petersons Ln 3:38
Z01369 Murchison Hwy after Petersons Lane 3:39
Z01622 Murchison Hwy bef Buggs Ln 3:40
Z01624 Murchison Hwy after Buggs Ln 3:41
Z01370 Murchison Hwy after Shepperds Lane 3:42
Z01625 Murchison Hwy at South Elliott Rd 3:46
Z01372 Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd 3:49
Z01628 Murchison Hwy after School Ln 3:55
Z01407 Murchison Hwy app Brackendale Rd 4:01
Z01408 1794 Murchison Hwy 4:05
Z01630 Murchison Hwy aft Access Rd 4:06
Z01409 1894 Murchison Hwy 4:07
Z01631 Murchison Hwy at 1915 4:08
Z01411 Murchison Hwy app East Yolla Rd 4:09
2516-2 Circular Rd after Lenna Rd 3:00pm Stella Maris Catholic School to Circular Rd after Lenna Rd Stella Maris Catholic School Circular Rd after Lenna Rd
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01582 Stella Maris Primary School 3:00
Z01578 Marist Regional College 3:05
Z01581 Burnie Primary School 3:09
Z01560 Mooreville Rd at Hellyer College 3:10
Z01545 Mount St app Bathurst St 3:18
Z01591 Mount St Romaine Park Primary School 3:19
Z01272 Parklands High School 3:21
Z01535 Mount St app Singline Ave 3:23
Z01594 230 Ridgley Hwy 3:26
Z01524 Ridgley Hwy app Cascade Rd 3:27
Z01595 Cascade Rd after Ellis Rd 3:28
Z01575 Cascade Rd app Illoura Rd 3:29
Z01576 Illoura Rd app Cascade Rd 3:30
Z01596 Cascade Rd app Illoura Rd 3:31
Z01597 Cascade Rd near Melba Line 3:32
Z01598 434 Ridgley Hwy 3:33
Z01525 Ridgley Hwy app Emu Vale Rd 3:34
Z01599 560 Ridgley Hwy 3:35
Z01601 Ridgley Hwy at Mooreville Rd 3:35
Z01496 Ridgley Hwy at 731 3:36
Z01602 772 Ridley Hwy 3:37
Z01526 Ridgley Hwy Ridgley Primary School 3:38
Z01351 Circular Rd app Waratah Cr 3:40
Z01530 Circular Rd app Darling Rd 3:43
Z01585 Circular Rd after Lenna Rd 3:46
2503-4 Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr 3:30pm Wynyard High School to Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr Wynyard High School Murchison Hwy after Pearl Cr
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01279 Wynyard High School 3:30
Z01294 Mt Hicks Rd after Terra Nova Dr 3:35
Z01295 Mt Hicks Rd after Bourkes Rd 3:45
Z01296 Mt Hicks Rd app Seabrook Rd 3:46
Z01297 Mt Hicks Rd after Aitkens Rd 3:47
Z01298 Mt Hicks Rd after Coastes Rd 3:48
Z01293 Murchison Hwy app Pearl Cr 3:55
2503-3 Wynyard High School 2:50pm Burnie High School to Wynyard High School Burnie High School Wynyard High School
Stop ID Stop Location Time
Z01287 Burnie High School 2:50
Z01289 Bass Hwy app Murchison Hwy 2:59
Z01292 Old Brass Hwy app Bowick St 3:08
Z01291 St Brigids School 3:12
Z01279 Wynyard High School 3:15
MARI Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton 3:00pm Marist Regional College to Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton Marist Regional College Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton Map
Stop ID Stop Location Time
00210 Marist Regional College 3:00
2688 Bass Hwy near East Cam Rd 3:08
00232 Corner Bass Highway and Oldina Roads 3:19
00334 Flowerdale, TAS 3:24
00332 Table Cape, TAS 3:26
00230 Bass Hwy and Dobsons Ln, Boat Harbour 3:29
00228 Sisters Creek TAS 3:33
00226 Montumana Road & Bass Highway, Rocky Cape TAS 3:36
00223 Bass Hwy and Rocky Cape Rd, Rocky Cape 3:41
00222 Detention River, Tasmania 3:42
00220 Hellyer Bus Shelter Bass Highway 3:44
00235 Crayfish Creek TAS 3:47
00236 Port Latta TAS 3:49
00237 Mawbanna TAS 3:53
00238 Black River,Tas 3:54
00239 652 Back Line Road, Forest 3:56
00240 Stanley Turnoff 4:01
01233 Bass Hwy & Fords Rd 4:05
01234 Bass Highway & Brooks Road 4:15
00209 Smith St and Nelson St, Smithton 4:20