Kinetic and Western Chances team up to support young people in Melbourne’s west

27 August 2024
Western Chances Hero
  • Kinetic has launched a three-year partnership with Western Chances in Melbourne.
  • Western Chances provides financial support and mentorship to young people experiencing financial hardship.
  • The partnership will provide scholarships for five classrooms of students and offer workplace opportunities through internships at Kinetic.

Kinetic has formed a new partnership with not-for-profit organisation Western Chances to help young people in Melbourne’s western suburbs achieve their potential.

Operating since 2004, Western Chances provides financial support and mentorship to talented and motivated youth in Melbourne’s west who are experiencing financial hardship.

Western Chances CEO, Zac Lewis, is excited to partner with Kinetic to extend the reach of their impact over the next three years.

“We work with young people from across Melbourne’s west that face social or economic barriers to their education, and connect them with access to life changing opportunities,” he said.

“We support 995 young people each year, and our program has been growing very rapidly in response to the need and cost of living crisis, so this year we expect to award over 1200 scholarships.”

Through the partnership, Kinetic will fund Western Chances scholarships for five classrooms of students, covering school essentials like laptops, textbooks, home internet, stationary and public transport.

Kinetic will also host interns throughout its Victorian business, supporting young people with meaningful workplace experiences, opportunities to build professional networks and job-ready skills.

Chief Commercial Officer, Mackayla Hanney, said Kinetic was excited to partner with Western Chances to help students prosper at school and have the best chance for success in life.

“All kids should have the basics they need to do their best at school, and I’m thrilled that Kinetic can help to provide these essentials through this inspiring organisation,” she said.

“We proudly operate in Melbourne’s western suburbs with our depot based in Sunshine West, and partnering with Western Chances gives us the opportunity to support the communities in which we live and operate.”

Kinetic already has two Western Chances interns on rotation throughout the company in its IT and People and Culture teams, and will welcome more over the next three years.

Current Kinetic intern and former Western Chances scholarship recipient, Manar, says the program has opened doors for her that previously wouldn’t have existed.

“I’ve been with Western Chances since year 11,” she said.

“From getting me a computer back then, through to now working with Kinetic, they’ve given me the biggest and best opportunities I could receive,”

“I’m very grateful for Western Chances and I’m very excited to see what Kinetic has in store for me.”

Melbourne’s west is one of the fastest growing populations in Victoria, and also one of the most disadvantaged.

Young people in Melbourne’s west face poorer outcomes at school, including below average numeracy and literacy skills, below average VCE completion rates and high youth unemployment.

Further enquiries

Stephanie Makin
Manager - Media & Communications
0438 462 380