What makes the award even more remarkable is that Richard only recently joined the industry after the COVID-19 pandemic led to him pursuing a career as a professional bus driver.
Following a career in marketing and graphic design, Richard started working for a local bus company in his neighbourhood before joining Kinetic in February 2023.
He says he loves coming to work and wishes he joined the industry years ago saying, "I've always loved driving and have five children who I’ve always transported around. Now I’m just doing that on a larger scale.”
"Driving is quite enjoyable if you make it that way," he says, noting that small acts of kindness such as a cheerful morning greeting or conversation can make a big impact on someone’s day.
His approach has proven a huge hit with customers. Sam, a Year 10 student, recently took the time to write to Kinetic to share the impact Richard has had on him and his fellow students.
“From the brief time we have known Richard, we have not only been blown away by his compassion, kindness, humour and willingness for interaction, but have also developed a role model like bond with him. I think I speak for the whole of my grade when I say that his incredible driving ability was overshadowed only by his pure, kind nature,” Sam said.
Richard has also proven a hit with international travellers visiting Sydney for the recent FIFA Women’s World Cup. The German Women’s Team Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Greenkeeper insisted on Richard joining them for dinner after experiencing his exceptional service.
Kinetic’s General Manager in Sydney Brad Ezekiel said Richard was a great example of the friendly, excellent service that Kinetic is known for.
"Richard deserves the award; he has made a huge impact in the short time he has been with us,” Brad said.
“It shows the opportunity our drivers have to create memorable journeys through every interaction and a commitment to exceptional service.
“Richard exemplifies the energy, passion and commitment that Kinetic drivers bring when moving people every day.”
The award was presented by the Hon. Jenny Aitchison, Minister for Regional Transport & Roads, Howard Collins OBE, Coordinator-General for TfNSW and representatives from BusNSW.
Richard says after finding out he had taken out the top industry prize it took a few days to sink in.
“I’m so grateful to be recognised in a room full of operators and drivers who’ve been in the game for a long time. It’s pretty special,” Richard said.
Kinetic delivers a range of charter and school bus services across Sydney with a fleet of 70 vehicles and over 100 team members.
Those interested in following Richard’s footsteps into the bus lane can find out more by visiting wearekinetic.com/our-company/join-our-team.
Richard is presented with the 2023 BusNSW Coach and Charter Driver of the Year award.
Richard out for dinner with the German Women’s football team.
Further enquiries
Justin Rogers
Manager Communication, Stakeholder and Customer – NSW/VIC/TAS
0419 230 242