Moving Communities Fund

Guidelines, terms and conditions, confidentiality & privacy


The Moving Communities Fund is Kinetic’s community grant program helping us to deliver our mission – to improve the livelihoods of the communities in which we live and operate.

Under our approach to community engagement, Kinetic supports organisations and initiatives that:

  • are complementary of our mission, values and sustainability goals
  • seek to support youth and disadvantaged groups in communities in which we operate 
  • promote equity, diversity and inclusion
  • are community-based (and non-political or religious organisations), and
  • highlight important social and community issues.

In considering applications, we also look to see if applicants complement our existing community activities and partnerships.

The Kinetic Moving Communities Fund provides for both cash and in-kind donations and support.

Applications can be made for one-off cash grants and donations of up to $10,000 or in-kind support (such as transportation, advertising space and volunteering support from our passionate people) to fund events, activities or programs.

Please note Kinetic may request additional documentation for grant requests over $5,000. The final amount or in-kind support awarded to a successful applicant may vary from the amount originally requested in an application. Successful applicants of grants or donations must spend or use the final amount within 12 months.

As part of our assessment process, we may reach out with any questions about your application – so please remember to include contact information.

If your application is successful, please note you will be required to complete an agreement in line with our Terms and Conditions.

Please note that due to the volume of applications, we may not provide individualised feedback for unsuccessful applicants.

Terms & Conditions

  1. The Moving Communities Fund is established by Kinetic Group Services Pty Ltd (“Kinetic”), and the benefit of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to Kinetic and its related bodies corporate.
  2. Applications for grants under the Moving Communities Fund must be made via the online form on our website by 11.59pm Melbourne time on the relevant application round closing date.
  3. Applicants must be at least one of the following:
    a.    a registered not-for-profit with DGR status by the ATO,
    b.    an incorporated not-for-profit,
    c.    a registered sporting club, or
    d.    an early learning, primary or secondary educational institution.
  4. All applicant organisations must be located in, or service communities within, an Australian geographical location in which Kinetic operates.
  5. All applications must demonstrate alignment to the types of causes we support and to our mission and values. However, meeting some or all of these does not guarantee being awarded a grant. 
  6. All applicants will be notified within 30 days of the closing date of the outcome of their application.
  7. Successful applicant will be required to complete and enter into an agreement with Kinetic confirming the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any other terms that Kinetic requires. 
  8. All grant values are in Australian Dollars.
  9. Kinetic has the discretion to award a grant or support value different to the amount requested in an application.
  10. The type, value and timing of in-kind donations will be subject to Kinetic’s availability at the time of request. 
  11. All decisions on the outcome of applications are at the sole discretion of Kinetic and are deemed final. No correspondence will be entered by Kinetic to the decision process or outcome.
  12. Kinetic has the discretion to request further information or reasonable commitment from applicants as part of awarding a grant, and which will be outlined in the agreement.
  13. Applicants must not reference or use images, or any intellectual property relating to the Moving Communities Fund or Kinetic without the approval of Kinetic at any time. Kinetic reserves the right to make any amendments at any time and Kinetic may withdraw the right to use any of its intellectual property on written notice to the applicant.
  14. Kinetic will not use any intellectual property of the applicant without the prior approval of the applicant.
  15. Kinetic may request to use photos, videos and quotes from successful applicants for marketing purposes, which must not be reasonably refused. All such materials will become property of Kinetic for the purposes of publicity, marketing and reporting for the Moving Communities Fund.
  16. Successful applicants must not say or do anything, or cause anyone to say or do anything that may prejudice, be detrimental or cause damage to the name or reputation of Kinetic.
  17. If a successful applicant is found to no longer be adhering to the program’s guidelines, terms and conditions or agreement, Kinetic reserves the right to cease its relationship and funding arrangement with the applicant 30 days after writing to the applicant to provide the opportunity to make corrective actions and the applicant has not made the required corrective actions. Funds already paid at the time of cessation will not be recovered by Kinetic. On termination of the funding arrangement, no further money or in-kind will be paid by Kinetic to the applicant.  
  18. The Moving Communities Fund may be terminated at any time without notice. 

Confidentiality & Privacy


Kinetic respects the confidentiality of information provided by applicants and will not share or disclose the contents of applications with any external parties without the express written consent of applicants (for example, when publicising successful grants).


Kinetic Group Services Pty Ltd (“Kinetic” or “we”) collects personal information in order to administer the Kinetic Moving Communities Fund. We are committed to respecting your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy for information regarding our use of any personal information.  Kinetic is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other laws that protect the privacy of your personal information.